
Command-Line Help for rwalk

This document contains the help content for the rwalk command-line program.

Command Overview:


A blazingly fast web directory scanner

Usage: rwalk [OPTIONS] [URL] [FILE:KEY]...

  • <URL> β€” Target URL
  • <FILE:KEY> β€” Wordlist(s)
  • -m, --mode <MODE> β€” Crawl mode

    Possible values: recursive, recursion, r, classic, c, spider, s

  • --force β€” Force scan even if the target is not responding

  • --hit-connection-errors β€” Consider connection errors as a hit

  • -t, --threads <THREADS> β€” Number of threads to use

  • -d, --depth <DEPTH> β€” Crawl recursively until given depth

  • -o, --output <FILE> β€” Output file

  • --pretty β€” Pretty format the output (only JSON)

  • --timeout <TIMEOUT> β€” Request timeout in seconds

    Default value: 10

  • -u, --user-agent <USER_AGENT> β€” User agent

  • -X, --method <METHOD> β€” HTTP method

    Default value: GET

  • -D, --data <DATA> β€” Data to send with the request

  • -H, --headers <key:value> β€” Headers to send

  • -C, --cookies <key=value> β€” Cookies to send

  • -R, --follow-redirects <COUNT> β€” Follow redirects

    Default value: 5

  • -c, --config <CONFIG> β€” Configuration file

  • --throttle <THROTTLE> β€” Request throttling (requests per second) per thread

  • -M, --max-time <MAX_TIME> β€” Max time to run (will abort after given time) in seconds

  • --no-color β€” Don't use colors You can also set the NO_COLOR environment variable

  • -q, --quiet β€” Quiet mode

  • -i, --interactive β€” Interactive mode

  • --insecure β€” Insecure mode, disables SSL certificate validation

  • --show <SHOW> β€” Show response additional body information

  • -r, --resume β€” Resume from a saved file

  • --save-file <FILE> β€” Custom save file

    Default value: .rwalk.json

  • --no-save β€” Don't save the state in case you abort

  • --keep-save β€” Keep the save file after finishing when using --resume

  • -T, --transform <TRANSFORM> β€” Wordlist transformations: "lower", "upper", "prefix", "suffix", "capitalize", "reverse", "remove", "replace"

  • -w, --wordlist-filter <KEY:FILTER> β€” Wordlist filtering: "contains", "starts", "ends", "regex", "length"

  • -f, --filter <KEY:FILTER> β€” Response filtering: "time", "status", "contains", "starts", "end", "regex", "length", "hash", "header", "json", "depth", "type"

  • --or β€” Treat filters as or instead of and

  • --force-recursion β€” Force the recursion over non-directories

  • --directory-script <DIRECTORY_SCRIPT> β€” Override the default directory detection method with your own rhai script

  • --request-file <FILE> β€” Request file (.http, .rest)

  • -P, --proxy <URL> β€” Proxy URL

  • --proxy-auth <USER:PASS> β€” Proxy username and password

  • --subdomains β€” Allow subdomains to be scanned in spider mode

  • --external β€” Allow external domains to be scanned in spider mode (Warning: this can generate a lot of traffic)

  • -a, --attributes <ATTRIBUTES> β€” Attributes to be crawled in spider mode

  • --scripts <SCRIPTS> β€” Scripts to run after each request

  • --ignore-scripts-errors β€” Ignore scripts errors

  • --completions <SHELL> β€” Generate completions for the specified shell

  • --open-config β€” Open the config in the default editor (EDITOR)

  • --default-config β€” Print the default config in TOML format. Useful for debugging and creating your own config

  • --capture β€” Capture the responses to be analyzed later in the interactive mode

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