

If you are using this tool frequently, you might want to avoid typing the same options every time. To do so, you can create a TOML configuration file and store your default options there.

The configuration file is located at ~/.config/rwalk/config.toml. It is automatically created the first time you run the --open-config option.

This path can be changed using the --config option.


Tip: You can also specify a custom configuration file in ~/.config/rwalk/config.toml by setting the config field:

config = "/path/to/your/config.toml"

Each parameter in the configuration is overridden by the command-line options. This means that if you specify an option in the configuration file and also provide it as a command-line argument, the command-line argument will take precedence.

Default configuration

The default configuration file can be viewed with the --default-config option:

rwalk --default-config

This will print the default configuration to the console.

wordlists = []
force = false
hit_connection_errors = false
pretty = false
headers = []
cookies = []
no_color = false
quiet = false
interactive = false
insecure = false
show = []
resume = false
no_save = false
keep_save = false
transform = []
wordlist_filter = []
filter = []
or = false
force_recursion = false
subdomains = false
external = false
attributes = []
scripts = []
ignore_scripts_errors = false
generate_markdown = false
open_config = false
default_config = false
capture = false

Configuration in Interactive mode

The interactive mode allows you to configure the tool interactively. You can set the configuration options by selecting them from the list.

rwalk --interactive
set url ""
set wordlists ["common.txt"]
// ...
url ········ = ""
// ...
wordlists ·· = ["common.txt"]
// ...

You can then save the configuration to the file:

Configuration saved to /Users/cstef/.config/rwalk/config.toml

Warning: When saving from interactive mode, the configuration file's interactive field is set to true. This means that the next time you run rwalk, the interactive mode will be enabled. To prevent this, you need to manually set the interactive field to false.


Let's say you want to use the same wordlist every time you run rwalk. You can add the following to your configuration file:

wordlists = ["~/wordlists/common.txt:COMMON"]

Now, every time you run rwalk, the ~/wordlists/common.txt wordlist will be used under the COMMON key.

You can also specify your own default filters:

filter = ["status:200-299,400-499"]

This will override the default status code filter (opens in a new tab) and only show responses with status codes 200-299 or 400-499.