Interactive Mode

Interactive mode

The interactive mode allows you to prepare your scans step by step and analyze the results quickly. It is especially useful when you need to adjust the scan parameters on the fly. To start the interactive mode, simply run rwalk with the --interactive (-i) option.

rwalk -i


The interactive mode provides a set of commands that you can use to control the scan process. The following table lists the available commands:

helpDisplay the list of available commands.?
runStart a new scan with the current configuration.scan, exec, go
listDisplay the current, l
setSet a configuration option.
getGet the value of a configuration option.
appendAppend a value to a configuration option.push
removeRemove a value from a configuration option.rm, delete
clearClear the screen.cls
evalEnter the evaluation mode or directly run a given expression.e
saveSave the current configuration to a file.write
loadLoad a configuration from a file (-m to merge).read
exitExit the interactive mode (Ctrl-C).quit, q